
The Turbine is the heart of the Hydro Power Plant.

CNGESi has access to the most amazing hydro turbine technology. This gives CNGESi the tools to convert energy from flowing water without any adverse effects to the local environment.


Kaplan turbine, also known as propeller turbine, is mainly designed for hydro power stations with the head of 2-30 meters. It is an axial flow turbine which means that it the flow direction does not change as it crosses the motor. Kaplan turbine is equipped with propeller type of blades which work in reverse and can actually technically work across a wide range of heads and flow rates. Because Kaplan turbine is more efficient and effective when applied to higher heads and because it is relatively expensive, this is the kind of preferred turbine for lower head sites with high flow rates.


Tubular turbines are commonly used in hydro power stations with the head of 2-30 meters. The blades can be either fixed or adjusted manually. This turbine is suitable for developing water resources of low head and large flow, usually in areas of plains hills, and coastal regions.


Generally installed with their axis vertical, Francis turbine is the most preferred turbine of all the hydraulic turbines. It is commonly used in hydro power stations with the head of 20-300 meters. It is the first turbine to use radial flow (water enter the turbine radially and exist axially) which makes water glide easily and smoothly.


Suitable for power extraction, Pelton turbine or Pelton wheel is used in hydropower plants with middle and high water heads, generally ranging from 90m to 600m. High-speed water jets impact on the blades of the turbine making the wheels rotate, thereby generating torque and power. In order to obtain optimum output from Pelton turbine, the impulse received by the blades should be at its maximum.

  • Governors
  • Generators

    Synchronous hydro generator. three-phase. horizontal or vertical structure, convert hydro energy to electric energy. Single unit capacity ranges from 100KW to 100 MW.

  • Excitation Systems
  • Valves
  • Cooling Water Systems
  • Air Brake Systems
  • Water Level Measuring Systems
  • Generator Cubicles
  • Transformers
  • Protection Systems
  • Switch Gears
  • Scada Systems